looking back at the slogans that were made to support the Amercian troops going to war, we see that the media played a big role in the war, just like it was a big part when America was at war with the USSR. Its actually much more clearer than people believe, Terms such as "commies" 20 years ago and linking it directly with people from the russian republic and neighbouring areas, and having the power to
change people's ideas towards these races.
eventually, and now America is at war again, however, with a different region, which is the middle east, and anyone that goes against the United States of America is automatically a "terrorist" by the media, unless that person happens to be a President of a certain country, then the media calls him a "Dictator" or even a "tyrant".
The second gulf war featured a new type of warfare, the battle for the hearts and minds, the media war. While most media coverage is taken from news stations and large media companies which we consider reliable ,due to the current age of media and technology that is accessible to every body, the world is seeing the face of the Iraqi conflict from the so called insurgents eye. Insurgency groups in iraq now feature media teams , the media teams purpose is to show another side of the war, and capture the operations of the insurgents against coalition troops. With power of the internet today and the speed of it, and it being the centre of the new worlds media universe its not hard to release these videos into the world and show another side of the war. The insurgents point of view can be seen all over the internet, in populatr websites like youtube.com with most tv stations labeling these insurgents as terrorists and as fox news is describing settelments in the Lebanese war about the bulidngs of civlians which was taken down by IDF were "collapsing on there own" , some people have decided to hear it from the underdogs point of view,through the net, and popular groups have emerged.
The Islamic army in Iraq, an Iraqi insurgency group currently fighting coalition troops, death squad badr militias and elements of terror groups such as al qeada in Iraq, with aim of expelling all foreign elements from Iraq, have created a certain hero for the Iraqi resistance. Juba the Baghdad sniper, is a soldier in the Islamic armies sniper brigade , who claims to have killed over 600 hundred of the coalition troops, he videos his operations and has made to releases which made him an internet "hero or terrorist" and a celebrity for his viewers world wide. Because of his targerting to coalition troops he is not seen as terrorist by iraqis, however, this takes a different turn when it comes to the americans. his skills, and his videos show over 60 attacks in each. This goes to raise the major question which is about the number of causilties, with so many different brigades around , each having there different realeses of their views on the war , with videos getting realesed daily . There is over 10000 videos featured in the net of humves getting blown up with marines in them featured in a website that is so extreme to the point of having a name like www. Terroristmedia.com , meanwhile the insurgency claims 30000 deaths while the U S claims 4000.
The second gulf war featured a new type of warfare, the battle for the hearts and minds, the media war. While most media coverage is taken from news stations and large media companies which we consider reliable ,due to the current age of media and technology that is accessible to every body, the world is seeing the face of the Iraqi conflict from the so called insurgents eye. Insurgency groups in iraq now feature media teams , the media teams purpose is to show another side of the war, and capture the operations of the insurgents against coalition troops. With power of the internet today and the speed of it, and it being the centre of the new worlds media universe its not hard to release these videos into the world and show another side of the war. The insurgents point of view can be seen all over the internet, in populatr websites like youtube.com with most tv stations labeling these insurgents as terrorists and as fox news is describing settelments in the Lebanese war about the bulidngs of civlians which was taken down by IDF were "collapsing on there own" , some people have decided to hear it from the underdogs point of view,through the net, and popular groups have emerged.
The Islamic army in Iraq, an Iraqi insurgency group currently fighting coalition troops, death squad badr militias and elements of terror groups such as al qeada in Iraq, with aim of expelling all foreign elements from Iraq, have created a certain hero for the Iraqi resistance. Juba the Baghdad sniper, is a soldier in the Islamic armies sniper brigade , who claims to have killed over 600 hundred of the coalition troops, he videos his operations and has made to releases which made him an internet "hero or terrorist" and a celebrity for his viewers world wide. Because of his targerting to coalition troops he is not seen as terrorist by iraqis, however, this takes a different turn when it comes to the americans. his skills, and his videos show over 60 attacks in each. This goes to raise the major question which is about the number of causilties, with so many different brigades around , each having there different realeses of their views on the war , with videos getting realesed daily . There is over 10000 videos featured in the net of humves getting blown up with marines in them featured in a website that is so extreme to the point of having a name like www. Terroristmedia.com , meanwhile the insurgency claims 30000 deaths while the U S claims 4000.
Hi Adnan,
Great topic, especially since you are so passionate about it and from the middle east so you are able to bring awhole new perspective to the issues. Do you think that when the war first started they followed blindly what the White House press secretary said. But now that the war has been going on for so long some media is questioning more? Maybe the public is getting a fairer representation? I know that it will always lean towards co-alition = goodies and insurgents = baddies. But i think here in NZ the media is alot more objective than say in Australia.
Great work though, maybe you could hyperlink to some of the sites you are talking about (i don't want to see no sniper shootings though), but something like Iraqi media and translate for us what they are reporting. Just an idea.
very good points adnan, and like Rachel said it seems to be something you are passionate about..
it's insane really to see how much the media affect peoples opinion and views on things. we briefly talked about this in language in society in the last lecture,
but the stand the media station is taking is reflected in how they present the event.
so by the media taking a stand, it brings their pov on their readers/viewers/listeners, and no one can deny that it affect their opinion as well..
They usually bring only one side of a story, i remember the rescueing of that american female soilder some time ago, she was portraited as a hero and they were fighting through many soilders to free her, when she later on has come out and told them that she was no hero at all,and when they took her from the hospital they had been allowed to walk in and get her and leave again, no fighting.. i might be remembering wrong and i can't remember the name of the officer, but if i do i will try and find an article on it and post it for u..
it would be interesting to see one story told from the american side and then u either find an english-middle east article or translate one for us, to see the difference between them..
thanks for your comments , Rachel and Ida. I would post a video report, but i dunno how to do it tho :P however, i promise i would learn in the next few days
well i guess you can just post a link for now? and then i can show u how to hyperlink when we get back to uni again?
yes, thats a good idea Ida, however, since i am discussing the issue of media and the war, i am also going to add an article about a journalist who is been held prisoner in Guantanamo bay prison for over 4 years now without being charged and i am going to discuss his personal everyday suffering in the notorious prison.
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